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Posts about django:

Django Docker Box is now an official Django project!

When I was working on adding queryset.explain() to Django I got annoyed by how complex it was to set up a local Django environment with multiple databases and versions. The traditional way of handling this was to use django-box which utilizes Vagrant to spin up a VM and install different types of da...

Europython 2019 Talk - Rewriting the Django autoreloader

Over two years ago I set out to try and improve Django’s autoreloader implementation. My PR was merged and the feature released in Django 2.2, and I thought I should at least mention it on my blog. The role of an autoreloader is conceptually pretty simple: When a developer changes a file your softwa...

Invited to join the Django software foundation

A few days ago I was invited to become a member of the Django software foundation due to my contributions to Django. Awesome! Now I get to hang about in the super-secret mailing list and discuss django-related illuminati business. Removal of core developers The hot news in Django-land is the proposa...

Using bulk update in Django 2.2

My work on adding bulk_update() to Django has been merged and will be released in Django 2.2! Like my filtered aggregates feature it relies heavily on the wonderfully versatile CASE statement to achieve some pretty good speedups for certain use-cases. The development documentation gives a pretty cle...

Queryset.explain() released in Django 2.1

While working on any large-ish Django project you are bound to come across a slow query that’s perhaps missing an index or doing something else expensive. My workflow for diagnosing this was to get the query that is being executed ( str(queryset.query) ) and paste it into a database shell, prefixing...

Filtered aggregates lands in Django 2.0!

Big Django projects often suffer from a few problems regarding database modelling and relations. Django provides incredibly easy to use tools to model your domain along with an awesomely powerful ORM to query on them. Often back office reporting software written in Django makes extensive use of the ...

Suggestions added to Django

My recently merged PR for ticket #28398 adds very simple ‘did you mean’ suggestions to Django’s command, which is the primary way of interacting with Django from the terminal. So in Django 2.1 this is what you will expect to see if you misspell a management command:...

Profiling Django templates with Django-Debug-Toolbar

My last post about the speed of Django’s templating language caused a bit of a stir and it was clear that people didn’t really have a clue how long the templates were taking to render in their applications. Enter Template-timings Template-timings is a panel for Django-debug-toolbar (which everyone s...

Just how slow are Django templates?

Edit 2: I made a Django debug toolbar panel that profiles your Django templates and all their components. You can find it here: Edit: It appears that Django does have some form of template caching. The graphs have been updated to inc...

Transplanting/Replacing Django child instances without deleting the parent

Django has a very neat feature called Multi Table Inheritance which allows you to create a ‘parent’ model with common fields and a variety of ‘child’ ones with specific fields. For example:...

Using Python metaclasses to make awesome Django model field choices

Edit: This code is now on PyPi: tl;dr Metaclasses are awesome When using Django’s Model or Form frameworks you can define a fixed set of choices for fields which are list of tuples containing a value and some text to associate with that value. The do...

Creating a URL shortening service with Django

View it live here or get the code here The first URL shortening site I saw was several years ago and was called TinyURL. Soon after Twitter gained popularity a whole slew of them popped up ( bitly , , ) to cater for the masses constrained by Twitters 140 character limit, but a lot shut...

Using a custom SQLAlchemy Users model with Django

I really dislike Django’s ORM. For my job I have written (and continue to maintain) a large internal project that uses Django’s ORM, templating language and MVC framework to serve requests, and I made the unfortunate mistake of sticking with Django’s ORM instead of using the much more powerful SQLAl...