Django Docker Box is now an official Django project!
When I was working on adding queryset.explain()
to Django
I got annoyed by how complex it was to set up a local Django environment with multiple databases and versions.
The traditional way of handling this was to use django-box which utilizes
Vagrant to spin up a VM and install different types of database. But it suffered from a few problems:
- It was really slow
- It didn’t help you test against different database versions
- It used Vagrant, which is like totally not cool anymore.
So I built django-docker-box to make this easier. I made it for my
personal use at first, but after I put it on Github people responded really positively to it. And, in the last couple
of weeks it’s been shamelessly stolen from my personal github made an official Django project as a replacement
for django-box entirely 🎉
#How does it work?
Basically it’s 190 lines of YAML.
It turns out that docker-compose
is a near perfect match for this kind of tool. It allows you to really quickly
spin up and switch different database versions. For example you can now do:
POSTGRES_VERSION=9.6 docker-compose run --rm postgres
This will cause Docker to pull the postgres:9.6
image and spin it up while running the tests.
The tests themselves execute in a docker image, defined here.
What’s great is that this image is pushed on every CI build, so you can run docker-compose pull
to get the latest
image with all the dependencies installed. Getting everything downloaded and installed used to a big pain point at
Django hackathons and I hope that this will help (as long as the WiFi holds up!).
All in all you can use this to run any one of the 64 different combinations of Python + Database version that Django supports. To prove that this is a viable solution I got the full-matrix test suite running on Travis-CI and even uncovered some bugs in environments that Jenkins does not cover.
#Integrating with Django
As the docker-compose files live outside of the Django source tree some interesting problems are raised. How do we
install the Django pip
dependencies as part of the image build? At first I used a docker volume and installed them
at build time, but this sucked because the dependencies would need to be re-installed a lot and could not be shared
between different invocations of the tool.
So I came up with a neat workaround: the DJANGO_PATH
environment variable is
used as the build context, which
allows us to copy and install the Django test requirements at build time.
#What about Oracle?
As usual: a complete clusterfuck. The less said the better to be honest, so the tl;dr is:
- It kind of supports it, but not really.
- It requires an Oracle license to pull the database image.
- The database takes upwards of 40 minutes to boot on the first run, and is 7+ GB.
- You need to download the connection drivers separately, because we cannot distribute them.
I got around #2 by using a random Oracle DB image I found on the Docker hub, but that got taken down for copyright infringement 🤷. So whatever. If someone wants to improve support in this area then they can.